Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Dangerous Yeast-Candida Albicans

So what is Candida Albicans?

Candida albicans is the pathogenic yeast responsible for yeast infections, it is present in 80% of the population. It is commonly found in moist areas such as the mouth, armpits, digestive tract, vagina and crotch area. In case you aren't aware, yeast is part of the fungi kingdom, so they're relatives of mushrooms as an example. The major difference is that Candida is waiting for the chance to spread and take over the host body that it finds itself a part of.

As a part of the fungus family of life forms Candida Albicans is quite easily able to multiply, this is a major part of the reason why they can create infections with such ease. If you have a sexual encounter with a partner who has a yeast infection, if you don't begin cleansing the area with an anti-fungal solution or remedy then it won't be long, sometimes only 2-3 hours before symptoms begin to show up.

Why is Candida nicknamed the dangerous yeast?
The reason it is called the dangerous yeast is because women who have been found to have chronic yeast infections are more likely to develop cervical cancer than those who don't. There's far more danger to this yeast than just an itch.

Precautions to avoid the dangerous yeast:
In order to avoid contracting a Candida Albicans infection make sure to avoid sharing personal items such as:
underpants and undergarments,
clothes in general,
soap and in some extreme cases the same shower or bathtub.

As well if you contract a yeast infection be sure to wear only 100% cotton clothing as oxygen kills the yeast, as well be sure to wear only loose fitting clothing and underwear. Make sure to wash the clothes separately, and in boiling hot water if you ever intend on wearing them again, otherwise if using a normal wash, keep worn clothes separate from clothes worn while suffering from the infection. You may use Grapefruit Seed Extract as well in the wash to kill off the yeast effectively.

Symptoms to watch out for:
If you begin to notice itching, burning, redness, odour or discharge be sure to act right away because it is very likely you are dealing with a Candida Albicans infection. Dangerous Yeast is in development.

What you can do right away if you are dealing with a dangerous yeast such as Candida albicans:

1. In a vaginal yeast infection you can insert a tampon that has been smeared with yogurt into the vaginal canal. The beneficial bacteria in the yogurt will immediately begin to destroy the Candida albicans yeast cells.

2. Begin taking a probiotic supplement immediately. These are popularly referred to as Acidophilus which is the name of a very popular bacterium that destroys yeast almost immediately on contact.

3. Begin taking an anti-fungal such as garlic, and if you can tolerate it, use it directly on the infection, although we'll warn you ahead of time it could burn.

So this pretty much covers the dangerous yeast Candida Albicans. If you still suffer from chronic yeast infections and Candida Albicans then we suggest you take a look at our bio box to determine how severe this dangerous yeast has become in your body. With proper precautions and the right treatments you can learn to be free of Candida Albicans for life.

If you suffer from Candida, The Cure is here! Discover the medication-free, 100% all-natural cure for Candida.

CLICK HERE for the FREE 5 part report

Feel Sick? It Could be Candida

Do you wake up everyday and feel sick almost like you're hung-over? Do you have allergies that never quit and almost seem worse than ever? Do you feel like a cold is just lingering around and isn't going away like it should? Have you taken an anti-biotic in the past 2 years for more than 15 days?

If you answered yes! To any of the above questions then you very likely have developed Candida.

Candida is a yeast that is naturally occurring in everyone. The thing is certain factors can occur in your life that can suppress your immune system and allow the yeast to overgrow to the point of it resembling an infections.
Some of the major symptoms connected to Candida are:
Chronic Sinusitis, Allergies, Asthma, Digestive problems, Brain-Fog, Mood Swings, Insomnia, Chronic Fatigue, Acne, Depression, Eczema and much more.

If you answered that you have indeed taken a anti-biotic in the past 2 years for more than 15 days and wonder why it's of any relevance I'll give you an example. Imagine that your body is like a garden that has a few weeds in it, instead of picking them out one by one you decide to just tear out the entire garden. Thus killing off all other plants and life that was in the garden as well. Now take this example, picture your body, throw in some anti-biotics and voila! You've got Candida in your Garden!

Your naturally occurring bacteria is completely wiped out when you take an anti-biotic, so the bad bacteria (Weeds) are killed off as well. However we all know how difficult weeds are to kill and how they simply come right back. However the good bacteria (Roses) are not. This is simply because after eliminating them the weeds took over.

So just like in the example of weeds in your garden, Candida is able to come back and multiply at an alarming rate. Once the damage has been done it's almost impossible for your body to correct it without having some beneficial factors put into place such as a diet that doesn't feed the yeast. Anti-Fungals to eliminate the Candida development that has already begun and lastly Probiotics.

Probiotics are of the most importance because they give your body the power it needs to eliminate yeast and get it back down to size. They are your beneficial bacteria and unless you eat unsweetened yogurt on a daily basis you will need to use some of these.
If you've felt sick for a long time it is likely that a deeper cause beyond Candida is occurring in your body and making you feel sick all the time.

Do you know if you are suffering with Candida? Find out for sure by taking the FREE Candida test. CLICK HERE! to assess yourself!

Male Yeast Infections-Treatments and Cure

A Male Yeast Infection? No Way!!!

Well actually it does and much more commonly than originally thought. Just so it's understood though the #1 reason women are much more prone to yeast infections over men is simply how their genitalia was designed. Yeast infections hate oxygen, with our man parts hanging out in the air like that yeast has a hard time getting a foot hold, however once it has or better yet if it is able to then you've got some serious issues to think about. I'll get back to that point in just a minute.

Typically the symptoms of a Male yeast infection include soreness on the tip, itching and burning, redness, blisters and bumps, there may be discharge as well. The direct cause of which is usually linked to condoms that use spermicide, as well sexual intercourse can be a cause if your partner is battling a yeast infection as well. Besides this many times the cause is internal due to dietary factors and the use of anti-biotics which wipe out all the beneficial bacteria in your body which would otherwise destroy the yeast.

Most topical infections of this nature can be dealt with using anti-fungal creams. Some examples of the ones used are Monistat, Lotrimin and Mycelex.

So what is the best way to go about treating male yeast infections?First you must clean up the diet, reduce your intake of sugar and alcohol both of which encourage yeast infection developments. When it comes to alcohol beer is the worst as it contains everything you need to create a yeast infection, yeast, alcohol and sugar.

Immediate natural treatments that can work to eliminate male yeast infections quickly involve using unsweetened yogurt and rubbing it all over the penis and affected areas. Yogurt contains large amounts of beneficial bacteria which will get to work immediately destroying the yeast and bringing about some relief. Kefir is another form of natural yogurt that contains even more beneficial bacteria that you can use.

Besides this you need to address the internal problem going on as well, since no external yeast infection is ever created without there being an internal issue occurring. Using natural anti-fungals such as Garlic, Olive Leaf and Oregano work quickly to rectify the problem. As well you will want to use probiotics in a pill form to maximize the amount of beneficial bacteria in your system to ensure total success in dealing with your male yeast infection.

The reality is though that 95% of people who treat just the yeast do not treat the root cause and as a result are left battling another yeast infection later on. You don't need to experience this, there are natural treatments that eliminate the root causes, popularly Candida is named the cause, however Candida has a level below it that allows it to flourish that you need to eliminate as well. Once you do this you'll cure your male yeast infections for life.
Experience the proven 100% all natural cure for Candida and male yeast infections.
CLICK HERE for the FREE 5 part report!